

From 1st January 2004, pursuant to Italian Legislative Decree 196/03 (formally announced on the Official Journal no. 174 of 29/07/2003) has been introduced a new “Personal Data Protection Code”. According to above mentioned normative, under article13, every Company as Data Controller, is requested to provide you with a personal data processing statement. 

The statement provides to the personal data holder, whose data are processed, (in compliance to article 4, paragraph 1, point a) of Leg. Decree 196/03):
“any operation, or set of operations, carried out with or without the help of electronic or automated means, concerning the collection, recording, organisation, keeping, interrogation, elaboration, modification, selection, retrieval, comparison, utilization, interconnection, blocking, communication, dissemination, erasure and destruction of data, whether the latter are contained or not in a data bank” shall have the right to be informed: 

1. of the source of the personal data:
Normally personal data are acquired directly from the person concerned. 

2. of the purposes and methods of processing:
Personal data disclosed directly by You, as holder, are processed only for the following purpose:

promotional purposes, establishment, continuing and execution of contractual business relationship; 

With regards to the scope of data processing, we inform You that:
a) data are processed in order to satisfy contractual requirements and to fulfil legal and contractual obligations stemming from those requirements, as well as to manage business relationships in an efficient and profitable manner. 
b) data are processed in relation to the contractual agreements with Public Bodies, Agencies / Companies / Enterprises whose validity regulates the matter of commercial legislation;
c) data could be transmitted to the above mentioned Bodies, provided that they will always have to be made available for Inspection, Control and Justice Authorities, as far as their storage limit is concerned;
d) data could be processed electronically or manually, for administrative, organization, insurance, legal, and internal and statistical control purposes. 

3. Processing procedures
Personal data processing is performed through manual, electronic or automated means strictly connected to indicated purposes in order to guarantee confidentiality and security of the data themselves; it includes – in compliance to restrictions and conditions of art. 11, Decree n. 196/2003 - all operations or set of operations intended on Art. 4, paragraph 1, point a) of same the Decree requested by the said processing, including their shering to parties mentioned on point 5. 

4.Providing information to us:

In compliance with existing law all the identification data must be acquired (natural persons: personal data; legal persons, Companies, Bodies, Associations: company title/trade name – registered office, Fiscal Code/VAT Code – eventually personal data of the legal representative/procurator etc.)
The communication of the data as far as point a), b), c) are concerned has to be considered mandatory while lack of information ref. point d) would not allow us to proceed for what concerns promotional purposes, establishment, continuing and execution of contractual business relationship. 

5. Transmission and Notification:
The information you share with us may be used by data controller, data processor personnel, entrusted third parties. We will not share your personal information with third parties other than these but they might be transmitted, within national territory, in order to pursue previously indicated purposes. Notwithstanding information notified to fulfil with Legal and contract obligations, data might be shared with: 

privacy responsible personnel 
Insurance companies
State, Regional and Local (municipal and/or province districts) Administrative Agencies
Public Bodies, Authorities and Judicial Bureaus
Debt collection Companies and Credit Institutions
Agents, promoters and partners 
System maintenance, management and security Companies
Consultant and service freelance and partners 

The subjects to which the data could be communicated will use the data as Holders of the Data Processing, according to of the Law in full autonomy, being unconnected with the original processing carried out by our Company, except from those subjects we have specifically charged. 

6. Controller and/or processor for identification data:
Any further information about data processing and sharing (right of access to personal data according to art. 7 of Legal Decree 196/2003), refer to: 

Jurop spa
Via Crosera, 50
33082 Azzano Decimo (PN) - Italia
tel. +39 0434 636811
fax. +39 0434 636812
e-mail: info@jurop.it or jurop@jurop.it 

Jurop Company has appointed Mr. Santarossa Danilo as Data Controller. 

Note: this English translation, given for information purposes only, may contain inaccuracies. Only the original text in Italian language has legal value.
Source: Leg.Dec. no.196/3
